About US

Grow without dealing with the challenges of expanding your business.

Here at Tribal Interactive, we're all about making automation support headache-free, helping your business thrive - no pain, all gain!

Hey there,

I'm Chad!

I'm the founder of Tribal Interactive, focusing on AI, workflow, and marketing automation.

For over 14 years, my focus has been on empowering large enterprises to work smarter rather than harder. I'm passionate about eliminating time-consuming processes and ramping up efficiency.

Recently, I extended my expertise to support friends managing small to medium-sized businesses. Many of them were still stuck in manual processes using pen and paper, with some using just emails to get by. Witnessing them overwhelmed by tasks ignited a desire in me to champion the time-saving wonders available.

I took action by introducing them to cutting-edge tools like Zapier, Keap, Monday.com, Make, and Pipedrive - these tools revolutionized their operations.

Now, I want to help as many companies as I can transform their operations from pen and paper to using the latest tech tools.

  • How much time we managed to save!

  • Imagine never having to do those repetitive, error-prone tasks again.

  • How much growth we were able to achieve now that we could spend our time and energy on more important things

Case Studies

Real client testimonials that highlight how Tribal Interactive Inc. helped smart entrepreneurs grow their businesses, saving them loads of money and hours in the process.

Manager leading a meeting

Scaling Your Software Development Team: Key Lessons for New Managers, Founders, and HR Leaders

June 25, 20243 min read

Scaling a company, especially in software development, brings a unique set of challenges. As someone who has navigated these waters, I want to share my experiences and insights to help new managers, founders, CEOs, and HR leaders address the common issues they may face.

Embrace Delegation and Trust

Transitioning from leading a small team to managing a larger one at Nintendo posed a challenge - I grappled with delegation. Initially, I felt compelled to handle everything myself, doubting others' ability to meet my standards. This mindset is unsustainable and hampers team development. Mastering the art of delegation is paramount. Evaluate tasks based on their impact on your energy levels - those draining your energy should be reconsidered, either through delegation, alternative approaches, or elimination. Entrust your team, offer clear guidance, and delegate tasks. This not only empowers them but also frees you to focus on more strategic responsibilities.

Set Clear Boundaries and Accountability

New managers often face challenges in setting boundaries and ensuring accountability. Employees may test limits to see what they can get away with. It’s essential to establish clear rules and consistently enforce them. This creates a fair and respectful work environment. Avoid favoritism, as it erodes trust and leadership credibility. Treat all team members equally and fairly, regardless of personal relationships.

Managing Older and More Experienced Employees

In growing companies, younger managers often find themselves leading older, more experienced employees. This can create tension and insecurity. It's vital for young managers to establish confidence in their role, set clear expectations, and foster a collaborative environment. Older employees bring valuable experience, and their inclusion in decision-making processes can enhance team dynamics. Address any concerns or conflicts openly to maintain a healthy work atmosphere.

Navigating Personal Relationships in Professional Settings

Transitioning from a peer to a manager role can be tricky, especially when managing friends. It's important to have open conversations about these new dynamics. At work, you need to wear your 'manager hat' and maintain professionalism. Clear boundaries help prevent personal relationships from interfering with work responsibilities. This approach ensures respect and fairness within the team.

Building Effective and Collaborative Teams

One of my significant experiences was at Relic Entertainment, where we were transitioning into console gaming. The team faced conflicts and lacked direction. We shifted to one-week sprints to set short-term goals and gain traction. This approach fostered collaboration and accountability. We also recognized that not everyone fit the needs of a pre-production environment, and made necessary adjustments to the team structure.

Leveraging Senior Talent

When integrating senior talent, like the senior engineer from Microsoft we brought into Relic, it’s beneficial to allow them to naturally assume leadership roles. This organic process helps establish respect and trust within the team. Senior employees can provide guidance and solve complex problems, setting a strong example for others to follow.

Handling Challenges and Growing Confidence

Leadership will always be tested, especially in fast-growing teams. It's important to remain confident, humble, and open to feedback. Address challenges directly and create an environment where team members feel comfortable voicing their concerns. This approach not only resolves conflicts but also strengthens the team's cohesion and effectiveness.


Scaling a software development team involves more than just technical expertise; it requires strong leadership, clear communication, and a deep understanding of human dynamics. By embracing these principles, new managers, founders, and HR leaders can navigate the complexities of growth more effectively.

If you’re facing similar challenges or looking for guidance on how to lead your team through growth, schedule a complimentary 15-minute Discovery Call with one of our coaches to learn more about our leadership consulting and coaching services. Let’s work together to build a stronger, more cohesive team and drive your company towards greater success.

LeadershipTeam managementSoftware developmentDelegationScaling companiesNew managersFoundersTeam dynamicsAccountabilityLeadership coachingGrowth challengesEmployee relationsTrust
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Chad McFarlin

Entrepreneur | Jiu-Jitsu | Leadership Coach

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